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全本小说网 > 均完結!混邪短文集 > 《如果盒宇宙是RTS游戏(英雄联盟那种)》



        Attack Damage Carry



        语音:why did you do this to me?


        语音:please I need more water…


        语音:I apologize, I shouldn,t have given you false hope



        语音:take a step forward, and be with me



        语音:my mama is always taking real good care of me



        语音:I always get a little worried about Juanita


        语音:one of them is believed to gain their powers from the Devil, and another might as well be the Devil Himself



        语音:you must ignore me it must have been some drink that i had shortly before you awoke. It’s important for forest guardians to drink as well.


        语音:that butterfly, that was me. I enjoyed their imagination and i fancied having a little bit of fun with them


        语音:perhaps i hatched out of an egg





        语音:my soul and my body are yours as is my sword


        语音:well you may forbid me to die, if my lord would allow me to be so bold, should i forbid thee to cry


【综/总攻】催眠修改器 快穿之遍收美母 (惊封同人/六all)白国王 【原神总攻】观者入局 YL庄园记录 承欢之势